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LGBTQ+ Elders

OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center offers a variety of ways to reach elders and provide services for social and learning activities as well as trainings for caregivers and more!

  • The OutReach LGBT Elder Advocate is a position at OutReach that specifically connects with LGBT elders and assists them in finding services, and works with elder serving agencies in Dane County to ensure that they are welcoming and culturally competent to provide services to LGBT elders. The OutReach Program Director is temporarily assisting with this role.

  • The LGBTQ 50 Plus Alliance, formally called the LGBT Senior Alliance, is committed to connecting LGBTQ adults with programs and services in our community. The LGBTQ 50+ Alliance is sponsored by OutReach Community Center and the Madison Senior Center.

  • The BOLD GRANT, A 5 year grant from the State of WI Department of Health Services.

  • OutReach has compiled a Resource List of valuable website links we hope will provide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults and their families with the knowledge needed to help navigate the maze of LGBT information available today. 

Click on the links below to learn more!

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BOLD Grant

What is the BOLD Grant?

A 5 year grant from the State of WI Department of Health Services. It pays for supportive services for caregivers of LGBTQ+ individuals with dementia and other memory related issues and it funds to support educational events for the same community.

For more information, contact our Program Director, AJ Hardie at!


LGBTQ 50+ Alliance

Formerly known as the LGBT Senior Alliance, the LGBTQ 50+ Alliance is committed to connecting LGBTQ adults with programs and services in our community.


The LGBTQ 50+ Alliance is sponsored by OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center and the Madison Senior Center.

Its purpose is to create a better quality of life for LGBTQ+ older adults by building partnerships with senior service providers and providing intergenerational social opportunities.

Join the LGBTQ 50+ Alliance Group on Facebook to get updates and hear about events and topics relevant to LGBTQ+ adults over 50!

Committee Mission
To develop and promote events and activities for LGBTQ adults age 50+, their friends, families, and allies, providing advocacy and reducing isolation.

Committee Vision
Our vision is to have fun, educate, and advocate for LGBTQ 50+ adults.

LGBTQ 50+ Alliance Steering Committee

The activities of the LGBTQ 50+ Alliance are guided by a steering committee consisting of volunteers and staff from OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center and the Madison Senior Center.


The current co-chairs of the Steering Committee are Shelley Hansen-Blake and Karen Kane.

OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center's Elder Advocate and the Madison Senior Center's Program Coordinator Laura Hunt provide support and guidance for members of the Steering Committee.

LGBTQ 50+ Alliance Logo.png

About the Alliance

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Quarterly Line Dancing 3.30.22 (3).jpg

Groups and Events

The LGBTQ 50+ Alliance offers different events and get togethers over the year.

They have an Annual Spring and Winter Social as well as support/social groups designated for those that are 50+. The Alliance will sometimes have other get togethers like a summer Pontoon ride, Vilas Zoo meetup, or team up with other OutReach programs for Halloween or Thanksgiving Potlucks.

Current Social/Support groups are:

CQCQCQ (In-person) “CQ” (curious queers) is a call for all to join in the conversation! Members decide topics and provide presentations. Visits to other LGBTQ+ Groups, free community concerts, museums, nature walks, etc. are encouraged. This group is open to people of all ages: We’ll learn where we are from you, and you can learn how we got there from us.


MEETING INFO: The first and third Thursdays of the month from 1:00 to 3:00pm at the OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center.

Gay, Gray, and Beyond Group (In-person) Gay, Gray, and Beyond is a casual discussion group for LGBTQ+ elders. Gay, Gray, and Beyond is not a therapy or support group. If you are in need of therapy or support services, contact OutReach's Elder Advocate, Kristi Mason, at 608-255-8582.


MEETING INFO: The second and fourth Thursdays of the month from 2:00-4:00pm at the Madison Senior Center, 330 W Mifflin St. Madison, WI 53703.

Get Involved!

Would you like to get involve with the 50+ Alliance? There are a few ways you can get more information!

Sign Up for the Alliance eNewslettter - The Alliance eNewsletter is simple to join. Just contact us at!


Attend a Social/Support Group - Attending any of our groups is free and you are more than welcome!

Join the Alliance as a Volunteer or Steering Committee - Just contact us or the Elder Advocate, at the above emails and we will let you know what opportunities are available!


LGBTQ Elder Advocacy

About Advocacy and Elder Advocate

OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center has different advocate positions to assist the community in a variety of ways.

The last Elder Advocate role was provided by Kristi Mason, until her recent passing. Currently the Program Director of OutReach is providing these services until a new advocate is hired. This role connects with LGBT elders and assist them in finding services, and work with elder serving agencies in Dane County to ensure that they are welcoming and culturally competent to provide services to LGBT elders.

The Elder Advocate is in charge of the LGBTQ+ Elders: Creating Inclusive Spaces project as well as serving as OutReach liaison on the LGBTQ 50+ Alliance committee.

If businesses provide elder care or services, they can request a training or webinar on how to care for LGBTQ elders or to get information on the unique economic and health disparities that LGBTQ elders face.

For more on the Advocate position, please contact AJ at or call M-F 608.255.8582.

Image by Georg Arthur Pflueger

Resources & Referrals (Elder)

OutReach has compiled a Resource List of valuable website links we hope will provide lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older adults and their families with the knowledge needed to help navigate the maze of LGBT information available today. 


We hope that this information will help interested individuals find community products and services needed to assist in successful aging. Please note that this resource list is meant only for information purposes and it is not exhaustive or all-inclusive.

Beach Cleanup Volunteers
  • ADRC- Aging Disability Resource Center

To support seniors, adults with disabilities, their families and caregivers by providing useful information, assistance and education on community services and long-term care options and by serving as the single entry point for publicly funded long-term care services while at all times respecting the rights, dignity and preference of the individual.

  • Adult Protective Services

Adult protective services are set up to aid elder adults and Adults-at-Risk who have been abused, neglected, or exploited.

  • Agrace Hospice

Founded in 1978, Agrace is a nonprofit hospice and palliative care organization. We serve more than 900 patients every day in southern Wisconsin. People trust us to care for them in very difficult times—while they are facing a serious illness or the end of life.

  • All of Us

All of Us is a research program from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). It is seeking one million or more people from across the U.S. to help speed up medical research. People who join will share information about their health, habits, and what it’s like where they live. By looking for patterns, researchers will learn more about what affects people’s health.

  • Alzheimer's Association

Currently, over 120,000 people in Wisconsin are living with Alzheimer's or dementia, and more than 195,000 people care for loved ones with the disease. We are here to serve the families in Wisconsin so that no one has to face this disease alone. The Alzheimer’s Association is available to you 24/7 for support: 800-272-3900


  • Alzheimer and Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin 

The experienced staff of the Alzheimer’s & Dementia Alliance of Wisconsin (ADAW) understands that every person touched by Alzheimer’s or other dementia will need support to help them navigate the course of the disease. We help guide you through the complex maze of issues that can arise by offering personal consultations, education, access to resources and advocacy.


  • Better Businss Bureau

The Better Business Bureau Serving Wisconsin is a non-profit, non-governmental organization that aims to create an ethical, trustworthy marketplace – where buyers and sellers can trust each other.


  • Board on Aging and Long Term Care

The mission of the Board on Aging and Long Term Care is to advocate for the interests of the state's long term care consumers, to inform those consumers of their rights, and to educate the public at large about health care systems and long term care.


  • Breast & Cervical Cancer Screening

We are committed to a health care system that is respectful of and accessible for all, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. We can connect you with medical professionals who are culturally competent.

  • Dental Care- Low Cost

It can be hard to find a dentist when you don't have private insurance. Try the clinics here preventative and urgent oral health care.

  • Disability of Wisconsin

“All persons with disabilities and their families shall be empowered to exercise and enjoy the full extent of their rights and to pursue the greatest possible quality of life.“

  • Fair Wisconsin

Advancing, achieving and protecting equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender

and queer (LGBTQ) Wisconsinites.

  • Freedom Inc.

Queer Justice. We bring queer analysis to all of the work that we do, and provide specific programming for queer people of color so that people of all gender and sexual identities can be free.

  • GHC- LGBTQ Information

GHC understands and values the importance of care in an environment that is both safe and welcoming. We are committed to providing patient-centered primary care to our LGBTQ+ members.​

  • Greater Wisconsin Agency On Aging Resources (GWAAR)

The Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resources, Inc., is a nonprofit agency committed to supporting the successful delivery of aging programs and services in 70 counties and 11 tribes in Wisconsin. We provide aging lead agencies in our service area with training, technical assistance, and advocacy to ensure the availability and quality of programs and services to meet the changing needs

of older people in Wisconsin.

  • Immunization Clinic- Madison & Dane County

Who We Can Immunize:
We can immunize for free, adults (19 years and older) who:
Do not have insurance for immunizations
Qualify by risk, age or income. Call (608) 266-4821 for information.
Vaccines--call (608) 266-4821 to see if you qualify:

  • LGBTQ 50+ Alliance -OutReach/MSC

The LGBTQ 50+ Alliance supports and enriches the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people 50 years and older, with the goal of successfully aging. In this effort, we provide a broad array of social, educational, and support services to the LGBT Community 50+ and over, all of which

are free or low-cost.

  • LGBTQ Veterans Care

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VHA) is committed to providing quality care to all Veterans including lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Veterans. Excellent care has no boundaries.

  • Madison Senior Center

Today the Madison Senior Center continues its mission to promote successful aging. The center welcomes 40,000 visitors annually, and offers close to 3,000 events each year. 300 volunteers of all ages help to staff our programming, and over 200 donors support our center annually.
330 West Mifflin Street, Madison, WI 53703

  • Newbridge Senior Centers

For more information on how to get services, call our main number at (508) 512-0000 and leave us a message. Someone will get back to you as quickly as possible.
You can also email us at:

  • Nursing Home Abuse

         Nursing home abuse is the mistreatment of older adults in assisted living facilities. It is tragically   

      common, with as many as 1 in 3 older adults having been victims of nursing home abuse. Abuse takes

      many forms, all of which can ruin a senior’s health or lead to fatal outcomes. Residents and family

      members can help protect themselves and reduce the long-term effects of nursing home abuse by

      knowing the signs and reporting them early on.

  • Safe Community of Madison

We focus on projects and programs with a track record of positive impact and success. Our core areas of work correspond to our community’s top causes of injury and injury-related death: Traffic Safety, Pedestrian Safety, Child Safety, Drug Poisoning Prevention, Falls Prevention, and Suicide Prevention.

  • Vivent Health (formally ARCW)

Vivent Health is a new organization founded on the combined expertise of AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin, Rocky Mountain CARES and St. Louis Effort for AIDS. Together, we are working towards a world without AIDS.



OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center is open Monday - Friday, 12pm to 6pm; Closed Sat & Sun except for group meetings. The EverStrong

Drop-In Center is open to the public from Wed-Saturday, 10am to 6pm.

We are closed most major holidays.


2701 International Lane Ste 101

Madison WI  53704

Phone: 608-255-8582

Fax: 608-255-0018

For General Questions and to Sign Up for our eNewsletter:

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