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About Us

​Our Mission and Vision


Our mission is a commitment to equity and quality of life for all LGBTQ+ people through community building, health and human services, and economic, social, and racial justice advocacy.

Our vision is to create a community where the presence and contributions of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender people are welcomed and celebrated; where intolerance is challenged and defeated; where justice prevails; and where civil rights of all people are valued and respected.

​Our Values

  • We welcome, value and respect the presence, contributions and rights of all LGBT people.

  • We believe that all forms of oppression need to be challenged and defeated and that equal access to opportunities is the norm.

  • We will proactively pursue social change.

  • We provide a safe and welcoming environment to staff, volunteers, stakeholders, consumers and all community members.

  • We will strive to educate the community-at-large by conveying the realities of the lives of LGBT people and their families.

  • We respect human dignity across cultural, ethnic, gender identity, ability, class and sex differences.

  • We will act honestly, responsibly, accountably and with integrity in all matters.*

  • We will access relevant information and prioritize customer needs in our daily work, organizational planning and decision-making process.

  • We will treat our staff, donors, voluteers and customers as the valuable resouce they are.

  • We will be leaders and role models in the LGBT community.

  • We will act cooperatively and in coordination with other like-minded community organizations.

  • We will strive to provide services to all in need regardless of income or educational level.

  • We will strive to recognize and respond to community needs

Statement for OutReach Social Media Pages and Websites


OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center is designated by the IRS as a 501(c)3 charity. Due to our organization status, we cannot engage in partisan politics, cannot endorse candidates, promote a political party, etc. We can post news about current events that affect the LGBT community, for example, gay marriage laws that have been passed.

Other political organizations such as Fair Wisconsin have lobbying designations, 501(c)4, or Political Action Committees and can do all the partisan political activity they want. Please do not post partisan political announcements here. We will have to delete them.

OutReach values diversity and we have zero tolerance for any form of harassment, victimization, hate-speech or bullying of any kind. We do not allow businesses to advertise or fund-raising requests to be posted on this page, so please don't post sales ads or donation requests.

Our mission is a commitment to equity and quality of life for all LGBTQ+ people through community building, health and human services, and economic, social, and racial justice advocacy. 

Our vision is to create a community where the presence and contributions of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender people are welcomed and celebrated; where intolerance is challenged and defeated; where justice prevails; and where civil rights of all people are valued and respected.

To that end, we’re committed to transparency and accountability. If you have any questions, concerns, or objections to content that appears on OutReach-hosted social media pages, we will address those inquiries during our staffed office hours, Monday – Friday 12:00 – 7:00 p.m. when our executive director and board president, spokespeople for the organization, can respond with authority, care, and concern.   

OutReach is a fiscal sponsor of the following groups, yet does not govern the projects that we fiscally sponsor: Building New Beginnings, Madison Gay Volleyball, and Madison LGBTQ Archive. The groups OutReach fiscally sponsors must abide by our 501(c)3 designation. OutReach and its staff are not the administrators, moderators, or responsible for the content appearing on behalf of the groups or for responding to social media posts that appear on their pages. Please direct any questions, concerns, or objections to the individual group’s administrator(s).  

Thank you, 

Steve Starkey, Executive Director, OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center

Jill Nagler, OutReach Board President


Our History

​Office Rules

  • First and foremost, OutReach, Inc is a safe, inclusive space. Any individual acting in a disrespectful, violent, harmful, etc manner will be asked to leave the premises. A warning will be given and any failure to comply with this policy may ban a person from OutReach.

  • OutReach, Inc. strictly prohibits the use, possession, sale, conveyance, distribution, or manufacture of illegal drugs, intoxicants, controlled substances, and/or drug paraphernalia in any amount or in any manner in the workplace. Prescription or over-the-counter drugs, if abused or used without proper medical direction, are strictly prohibited. Impaired performance due to substance abuse is a violation of agency policy and is prohibited.

  • OutReach, Inc. is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Personal items (bags, clothing, etc) are not to be left unattended in the agency under any circumstance.

  • Agency space is for individual & group usage related to our services. It is not to be used for loitering (aimless lingering) or solicitation of any sort.

  •  OutReach, Inc. staff & volunteers are not to supervise children in the agency. All children must be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian while here.

  • In terms of public usage, the conference room is for organized group activity & staff authorized individual meetings only during office hours. It is not to be used for private video showings, sleeping, or baggage/coat storage.

  • In terms of public usage, the library space is for activities related to our services—book/periodical reading, internet access/resource review, and organized individual and or group meetings. The space is not to be used for sleeping, baggage/coat storage, lewd behavior, or solicitation of any kind.

  • In terms of the general public, phone usage should be restricted to staff-authorized calls only, limited to one call a day, if it is not related to our resource mission of information/referral. Volunteers should consult with staff when in doubt as to appropriate usage.

  • In terms of the general public, use of fax/copy machine should be routed through staff.

  • In terms of public usage, internet access is to be limited to two hours at a time and not used for visibly lewd or pornographic viewing/purposes. Violators will be given one warning and/or have computer use privileges permanently withdrawn.

  • In terms of public usage—and applicable to all staff and volunteers—all verbal communications and/or volume of computers should be conducted/set in a reasonable tone and loudness so as to be respectful of the working environment.

  •  In terms of public usage, restrooms are available. Volunteers should be mindful of their usage by clients/visitors of the agency and reports any misuse (prolonged absence of the key from the front desk) to staff to deal with accordingly.

  •  OutReach, Inc. does not and will not tolerate solicitation for sex, money, drugs, etc of any kind. Respect of OutReach, Inc. personnel, clients, property, and agency rules/policies will be maintained at all times.

  • All kitchen appliances (refrigerator, pizza oven, coffee pot, etc.) are for staff and volunteer use only. Please ask a staff/volunteer if use of the appliances is needed. Clients will be asked to clean up the area and item after use; staff/volunteers are not responsible.

COVID & Cleaning Rules


No limit on people in the space. Social distancing is suggested for group meet-ups.

1. Masks

  • Employees and community members have the option to wear a mask.

  • Employees are not required to wear a mask when moving about inside the Outreach office.

  • Employees may socially distance with clients and in meeting spaces. In one-on-one client meetings, please remain distanced. When less than 6 feet apart, please consider wearing a mask.

  • Virtual meetings are available for some meetings but are NOT required. Hybrid meetings are a great option to fulfill this need.

2. Cleaning

  • Upon interaction, employees and volunteers are responsible for wiping down high-touch surfaces with Clorox or Lysol (or off-brand) disinfecting wipes. 

  • Any surface touched by a client or visitor should be wiped down by an OutReach employee who served them after they (the client or visitor) leave. 

  • Disinfecting products will be in every common area and meeting space.

  • Employees should communicate when cleaning products are low. The email should include the office location where the wipes are running low.

3. Hygiene

  • Employees, Board Members, Visitors, and Volunteers must wash or sanitize their hands:

        *Before and after interacting with other employees 

          or community members

         *After using the All Gender restroom

  • NO strong scents, perfumes, or colognes inside the space

  • If using the kitchen, please pick up and clean after yourself. You can eat in open spaces without having to be masked, before and after your meal.

4. Client Scheduling

  • All one-on-one appointments should be scheduled in advance. If less than 6 feet apart, then masks should be considered. Moreover, walk-ins are still allowed in the main office area but NOT in the large conference room unless appointment with staff. To schedule an appointment, please call (608) 255 –8582.

  • Volunteers are encouraged to come into the space and communicate with staff for their needs and duties.


OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center is open Monday - Friday, 12pm to 6pm; Closed Sat & Sun except for group meetings. The EverStrong

Drop-In Center is open to the public from Wed-Saturday, 10am to 6pm.

We are closed most major holidays.


2701 International Lane Ste 101

Madison WI  53704

Phone: 608-255-8582

Fax: 608-255-0018

For General Questions and to Sign Up for our eNewsletter:

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