Harm Reduction Services
Our Harm Reduction programming supports the LGBTQIA+ community without judgment, stigma or coercion by centering community health, safety, and autonomy.
We believe each person is an expert in their own care and work to empower our community with the resources they need to live their most authentic lives.
What we offer:
Community Referrals
Narcan Trainings
Harm Reduction Education
Peer Support Safer Use Planning & Supplies
Safer Sex Supplies
Support Meetings
Click the Links below to see more about our services.

If you have any questions on how to best teach Harm Reduction, Narcan trainings, and any other safety usage, please contact our
Harm Reduction Services Director,
Tarah, to arrange a time that works best for all.
(608) 255-8582
Harm Reduction & Safety Training
At OutReach, our Harm Reduction team provides Safety Kits for the community through community outreach and drop-ins. We offer Fentanyl Strips, Narcan, First Aid, etc.
We also offer Safe Sex supplies and other sexual health supplies like Plan B.
Please contact our Harm Reduction Services Director, Tarah, or our Opioid Overdose Prevention Specialist, Kaeden, for more information or how to arrange a time to receive supplies or kits.
(608) 255-8582
Harm Reduction Supplies

OutReach Harm Reduction Team:
Tarah Stangler
Harm Reduction Services Director
Linda Lenzke
LGBTQ+ AODA Advocate
Kaedon Watford
Opioid Overdose Prevention Specialist
Contact at OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center - (608) 255-8582
Resources and Referrals
OutReach Harm Reduction Support Groups:
LGBTQ+ Al-Anon 12-Step Meeting (Hybrid)
Al-Anon is peer support program for people who are relatives or friends of people who are alcoholics. If you have specific questions about Al-Anon meetings, including their format or structure, please contact LGBTQ+ AODA Advocate Linda Lenzke.
MEETING INFO: Tuesdays at 5:30 pm. Meetings are currently hybrid, with the option to join in-person or via Zoom.
CONTACT INFO: Email: Linda at lindal@lgbtoutreach.org. Call: 608-255-8582 for more information.
Progress Not Perfection: LGBTQ+ Substance Use Harm Reduction Recovery Group
The objective of harm reduction is not always total abstinence, rather progress that focuses on steps to reduces harm and encourage safe use. This is a peer-support group. The only requirement for membership is a desire to recover from the harm created by alcohol and substance use.
MEETING INFO: Wednesdays at 5:30 pm. Meetings are currently hybrid, with the option to join in-person or via Zoom.
CONTACT INFO: Email: Linda at lindal@lgbtoutreach.org. Call: 608-255-8582 for more information.
Alternatives to Suicide: Queer-Specific Support Group
If you are a person that identifies as LGBTQQIA+, is 18 years or older, and experiences thoughts of suicide, has attempted, or self-harm - this is a safe space to talk openly, without fear of judgement, coercion, or unwanted interventions, this is a non-clinical, peer-led support group - a place to find healing through community.
MEETING INFO: Third Thursdays at 7 pm.
CONTACT INFO: Email: queeralt2su@gmail.com. Call: 608-255-8582 for more information.
12-Step & Recovery Meetings in Madison & Dane County
M.A.I.C.O Madison Area Intergroup Central Office AA Meeting Schedule - https://aamadisonwi.org
SmartRecovery https://www.smartrecoverymadisonwi.org/local-meetings/
Madison Area Al-Anon https://sites.google.com/site/alanondistrict8madison/
Badgerland Area N.A. Meetings http://www.badgerlandna.org/meetings/
Eastside Alano Club - eastsidealanoclub.org
Fitchburg Serenity Club https://fitchburgserenityclub.com/schedule/
Monona Serenity Group http://mononaserenitygroup.org/
Mental Health & AODA Community Resources
ARC Community Services: www.arccommserv.com/
Journey Mental Health: www.journeymhc.org/
Cornucopia: www.copiarts.org
Tellurian: tellurian.org/
Porchlight: porchlightinc.org/
Connections Counseling: connectionscounseling.com/
Family Services: www.fsmad.org/
Lutheran Social Services: www.lsswis.org/LSS.htm
Catholic Charities: catholiccharitiesofmadison.org/
Hope Haven: hopehavenhelps.org/
ADRC: www.daneadrc.org/
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness): www.namidanecounty.org
Parent Addiction Network: www.safercommunity.net/parent_addiction_network.php
SOAR Case Management Services, Inc.: soarcms.org
Sunshine Behavioral Health www.sunshinebehavioralhealth.com/resources/transgender-community/
Dane County Behavioral Health Resource Center: danebhrc.org
LGBTQ+ Recovery Partners
Develop programming, direct and receive client referrals, partner with recovery coaches, and inform the public of the services available to our LGBTQ+ AODA community offered in conjunction with our partners:
Recovery Coalition
The Dane County Chemical Dependency Consortium and the Mental Health Coalition merged in 2013 to form the Recovery Coalition of Dane County (RCDC). The Recovery Coalition of Dane County (RCDC) strengthens individuals and communities through a collaborative network that supports Mental Health and Substance Use Recovery.
Safe Communities
Safe Communities of Madison-Dane County is a local non-profit coalition that brings together public and private sector partners to save lives, prevent injuries and make our community a safer place. We focus on projects and programs with a track record of positive impact and success. Our core areas of work correspond to our community’s top causes of injury and injury-related death: Traffic Safety, Pedestrian Safety, Child Safety, Drug Poisoning Prevention, Falls Prevention, and Suicide Prevention.
Pride in Prevention Coalition (PIP-C)
PIPC is a LGBTQ substance use prevention coalition in Dane county. Our goal is to reduce and prevent substance use within the LGBTQ community. PIP-C Mission: Mission: PIPC works to reduce and prevent substance use and addiction through awareness, education, intervention, prevention and advocacy.